Leave blank if same as head of household
Anything we need to know.
I acknowledge that participation in Heroes Camp involves risk to the participant (and to the participant’s parents or guardians, if the participant is a minor), and may result in various types of injury including, but not limited to, the following: sickness, bodily injury, death, emotional injury, personal injury, property damage, and financial damage.
In consideration for the opportunity to participate in Heroes Camp, the participant (or parent/ guardian if the participant is a minor) acknowledges and accepts the risks of injury associated with participation in and transportation to and from Heroes Camp. The participant (or parent/ guardian) accepts personal financial responsibility for any injury or other loss sustained during Heroes Camp or during transportation to and from the activity, as well as for any medical treatment rendered to the participant that is authorized by Heroes Camp or its agents, employees, volunteers, or board members. Further, the participant (or parent/guardian) releases and promises to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Heroes Camp for any injury arising directly or indirectly out of the activities and programs of Heroes Camp or transportation to and from such activities and programs, whether such injury arises out of the negligence of the employees, board members, the participant, or otherwise.
Photograph Permission: The youth participant and his or her parent/guardian hereby acknowledge and give permission for Heroes Camp to use, without limitation, photographs, film footage or recordings which may include the youth participant’s image or voice for purpose of promoting or interpreting Heroes Camp programs. Furthermore, I understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use. I, hereby grant, voluntarily and with full understanding, to Heroes Camp, a license to the following: 1.Use and storage of my name and image, by means of digital or film photography, video photography, audio recording or other documentation. 2.Use of any stored data including my name and image in printed publications of Heroes Camp 3.Use of any stored data including my name and image in electronic publications of Heroes Camp. 4.Use of any stored data including my name and image in any Web site created by or for Heroes Camp for its sole benefit.
Medical Treatment: The youth participant’s parent/guardian must give permission for the Heroes Camp staff or volunteers to provide emergency medical treatment, and to arrange for transportation to an emergency center for treatment. Deemed immediately necessary or advisable by a physician.
Heroes Camp is committed to creating a safe ministry environment. This includes promoting a healthy environment for texting and other electronic communication between youth workers and students who participate in youth activities. As a result, the ministry has developed the following guidelines:
Communication: Cell phones are not to be used during Heroes Camp activities except in an emergency, to contact a parent or guardian, or to place calls specifically approved by a staff. Heroes Camp policy bars youth workers from sharing personal information about any minor through group e-mails, social media, or other public electronic media without youth ministry participants and their parents or guardians signing consent forms, except in an emergency. Personal information may include such things as names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and photographs. When communicating with youth workers, other people involved in youth ministry activities, or posting content to websites that the ministry owns or controls (such as its Facebook page), several conditions apply:
1. You aren’t to make comments or share images that are sexually suggestive, disrespectful, or insensitive. Harassment and bullying are strictly forbidden.
2. You must obtain permission from an authorized youth ministry leader before posting photos or personal information about others involved in ministry activities on any website or social media site the ministry controls.
3. All information, images, or videos shared electronically through public ministry communication channels aren’t considered confidential.
4. Those who violate this policy may lose electronic communication privileges within the ministry or be removed from the youth ministry program. Parents will be notified immediately of any violation.